
Nov 2013 - Apr 2014



NCEA Hub was a Windows Store app to help students track their progress towards achieving an NCEA qualification, the official secondary-school qualification in New Zealand. The app allows students working towards a Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 NCEA certificate to keep track of how many credits they have achieved as well as access information and resources about subjects and achievement standards. I built NCEA Hub in my spare time while working towards an Level 2 NCEA qualification because I wanted a better way of tracking my NCEA certificate progress.

In addition to allowing students to enter their results, the app also contains an internal database of NCEA subjects and standards. As their was no API to access this data at the time, the database was periodically rebuilt by a custom C# tool. This tool scraped the NZQA website for subject and standard information, extracted specific achievement criteria from Microsoft Word standard documents and produced a structured format that could be searched within the app.

Technologies Used

Languages C#, XAML
Frameworks UWP


NCEA Hub - Homepage
Easily view a summary of your NCEA progress from the homepage.
NCEA Hub - Subject Details
View a summary of your credits and endorsement status for a subject.
NCEA Hub - Standard Details
Access standard information and external resources.
NCEA Hub - Search
Search for subjects and standards.